Common Baptism, Common Ministry
Dialogue : Roman Catholic-United Church
Date published: 2021
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The United Church of Canada and the Roman Catholic Church face significant challenges and opportunities with respect to their particular and shared approaches to mission and ministry of the whole people of God, living as disciples of the Risen Lord. “The Church is ordered through Baptism, in which all who believe in Christ are not only washed and signed by the Triune God, but are ‘built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood’ (1 Pet 2:5).” The two churches share a consensus around our common baptism which leads this current iteration of our dialogue to make this statement about the common ministry that we share as members of the Body of Christ, participating in the Missio Dei, God’s mission in the world. Continuing from our discussion in the previous phase of dialogue on Creation and the environment, and our report The Hope Within Us, the current phase of dialogue expands our imagination about the inclusion of all creation within the ministry that God has given us.