Heidelberg Catechism Q. and A. 80 and the Roman Catholic Eucharist
Dialogue : Roman Catholic-Christian Reformed
Date published: 2004
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From the Foreword by David H. Engelhard, General Secretary of the CRCNA:
The initial report contained in this booklet was requested by the synod of the Christian Reformed Church in 1998 in response to an overture requesting a change in Question and Answer 80 of the Heidelberg Catechism regarding the Roman Catholic Mass. The report provides a brief sketch of the process followed and a list of those participating in the conversation.
Following Synod 2002, the report was sent to the Conference of Catholic Bishops in both Canada and the United States requesting “their agreement that the report gives an accurate presentation of the official Roman Catholic teaching regarding the sacrament of the Eucharist.” It was also sent to churches who are in ecclesiastical fellowship with the CRC and to the Reformed Ecumenical Council informing them of this study and inviting their response.
The response of the Catholic bishops has been very positive and their assessment can be summarized in the following words: “The Catholic doctrine concerning the Eucharist is stated clearly and accurately in this report.” On the basis of the responses, slight alterations have been made in the text of this report and received by Synod 2004.