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The Margaret O'Gara Ecumenical Dialogue Collection
La collection de dialogues œcuméniques Margaret O'Gara
Online resource centre for Canadian bilateral ecumenical dialogues
Centre de ressources pour les dialogues œcuméniques bilatéraux canadiens
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Members of the Anglican-Mennonite Dialogue in Canada met May 31 to June 2 in Winnipeg. Left to right: Caleb Kowalko, Scott Sharman, Bram Pearce, Sarah Kathleen Johnson, Doug Klassen, Charlie Scromeda, Michael Pahl, Neil von Gunten, Edith von Gunten, Vincent Solomon, Elin Goulden, Irma Fast Dueck. Not Pictured: Ryan Turnbull, Chris Bishopp

Encounters in dialogue

Anyone engaged in ecumenical dialogue for any length of time will encounter stories of when dialogue partners reached a moment of clarity, understanding, or insight. Convergence between our churches is necessarily incremental and painfully slow. So when these moments occur, they are a gift of God’s grace. For dialogue partners, these moments are cherished ‘kairos’, to be shared with the wider church fellowship whenever an opportunity arises.

The O’Gara Collection working group is inviting former and current dialogue members to record their reminisces of a moment when their dialogues were a time of true encounter. Here are some of the videos that we have collected.

Rev. Dr. Sandra Beardsall
Professor of Church History and Ecumenics at St. Andrew’s College, Saskatoon. Sandra is a former member of the Roman Catholic-United Church of Canada dialogue and a current member of the Anglican-United Church of Canada dialogue. This video was recorded in Davidson, SK on March 28, 2018, during a coffee break while planning another ecumenical project.

Download an invitation to contribute dialogue documents, short histories, memorial notices, and Encounters in Dialogue videos.

A brief video inviting former and current dialogue members to record their reminisces of dialogue.

A brief video explaining how to make a video for the Encounters in Dialogue project.