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The Margaret O'Gara Ecumenical Dialogue Collection
La collection de dialogues œcuméniques Margaret O'Gara
Online resource centre for Canadian bilateral ecumenical dialogues
Centre de ressources pour les dialogues œcuméniques bilatéraux canadiens
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1st Canadian Forum on Inter-Church Dialogues – 2002

This popular gathering was the forerunner to our 2004 Forum. We gathered at the University of St Michael’s College in Toronto, to hear speakers and have facilitated discussion about the work of dialogue in Canada: its adventures, its difficulties, its discoveries, its development. The day’s presentations were as follows:

“Stages in Dialogue: the Canadian Experience.” A Panel Presentation.

“Theological Method and Dialogue: Learning From the Groupe des Dombes”

“What Have We Talked About? Themes in Dialogues over the Years. ‘Church’: A Case Study. A Panel Presentation.

“Interaction between dialogue and the local churches. What has worked? What hasn’t? Best successes, worst failures?” A large-group discussion, facilitated by:

“Reflection on the Day. What have I heard today? What is particularly Canadian in dialogue?”

“Conversation and Conversion: A Spirituality of Dialogue”.